
Language learning opportunities IGCSE French and Spanish

Mastering languages is essential for the future generations in our globalised world. At one of the best international schools in Hangzhou,Wellington College International Hangzhou, we prepare world citizens for a multicultural working environment, an environment in which languages play a key role in the selection of leaders.


Register NOW EdFest 2021 at Wellington College Hangzhou

Wellington College China's 2021 Festival of Education in Hangzhou international school promises a roster of renowned educators, researchers, industry experts and thought leaders. They will share their ideas and debate the important issues in a series of talks, panel discussions and workshops. The 2021 Festival of Education Hangzhou campus live event is scheduled on 25 April 2021. Please scan the Q





Virtual University Fair Friday 12th March 2021

We are excited to announce that we will host the annual university fair ‘virtually’of the international school Shanghai on Friday 12th March. There will be a range of universities attending and giving presentations via live link-up which pupils will access via an online portal. All senior school pupils will be ‘attending’ live online sessions in the afternoon and pupils in years 11 and 12 will be


Hashex exchange is about to enter the Asia Pacific market, focusing on high net worth users and witnessing extraordinary strength

In 2021, digital currency is surging, unpredictable and opportunities emerge in succession. Hashex digital asset trading platform, which is coming from the world, is about to enter the Asia Pacific market.


The 19th China Conference on International Exchange and the Bao 'an came to a successful conclusion

On the morning of April 24, the 19th Conference on International Exchange of Professionals hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology (State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs) and the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government was inaugurated at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.


Yol Ayrımındaki Türkiye’ye Tehdit: ‘Sözde Soykırım Kartı’

Türk Dış politikasındaki değişimin yarattığı deprem her daim ABD’nin Ermeni Soykırımı konusundaki tavrında etkili olmuştur. Sözde Ermeni soykırımı tasarıları 1975 yılından itibaren Amerikan Temsilciler Meclisi’nin neredeyse her döneminde gündeme gelmiştir. Tasarı farklı şekillerde birkaç kez Meclis’te oylanmış, hatta 1975 ve 1984’te Temsilciler Meclisi Genel Kurulu tarafından da kabul edilmiştir.


Core is Key IGCSE Science

Over the course of their study students from International schools in Hangzhou will learn about unifying patterns and themes in science and use them in new and changing situations. Students will grow in their knowledge of scientific facts, terminology, principles, concepts and ability to carry out practical work.


Wellington’s CNY holiday reading list

The Year of the Ox is almost upon us, and amid all of the celebrating you will be doing with family and friends, there will surely be some time to dig into a new book. Are you at a loss as to what to read? The Librarian in the International School Shanghai, Mrs Jacobi, has the perfect book for you, whether you are a pupil in Pre-Prep or Senior School or even a parent.


EdFest 2021 Explore the Bilingualism strand

If there is a direct correlation between career success and communication skills, then surely, being able to communicate in more than one language is a force multiplier. And in an increasingly connected world, it will no longer just be an asset; it will be a necessity, which is why bilingualism is integral to educating for the future. But a bilingual education is not just about teaching languages.


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